Guiding clients to data driven and evidence-based decisions.

Facility Condition Assessments
Wondering which section of your building is going to fail next? Our facility condition assessments help owner's understand where to invest before a problem occurs. We utilize a Uniformat Level III approach with over 100 categories. Most importantly, our facility condition assessments are maintainable. Our proprietary Asset Management software is what makes us distinct and is really what launched Capital AE from the beginning. A facility condition assessment that isn't outdated immediately after it's printed seemed like a novel idea!
We look at assets from a facility management lens and not just from a design architect or engineer's perspective. We break down the assessment into meaningful categories that you can understand and use to make wise decisions moving forward. Best of all, this living/breathing database won't collect dust on your shelf after we leave the premises!

Capital Planning
Now that you have a grip on the condition of your buildings, you need a plan to address the needs. Is there ever enough funding to operate at a level of service your constituents desire?
We specialize in taking complex data and translating it into meaningful action items. Our proprietary Asset Management software allows us to leverage vast amounts of data collected during the facility condition assessments to create logical replacement strategies. Our unique algorithms prioritize the most pertinent building systems for replacement next to ensure your property and occupants are well protected. We never use a one-size fits all approach; we will customize the capital projects to meet your organization's values and needs. At the end of the day, we'll hand you a Long-Range Capital Plan that you can take to your stakeholders knowing your buildings are being well taken care of.

Design and Construction Management
The needs have been identified, a plan has been developed, it's time to put all of this analysis into action. Let's Build.
Before acting too fast, first we need to get a design, and permits, and bonds, and find (the right) contractors to do the work. This is the last step in the process and certainly the priciest. Fortunately, we're here to help make sure this becomes a reality without too many hiccups along the way.
We know the markets. We know the process. We know your needs.
Managing design engineers, maintaining the budget, while keeping contractors on schedule isn't a walk in the park; especially for those who don't do this every day. We're here to take off the stress and help make your dreams a reality from procuring a reputable architect to collecting O&M manuals from the General Contractors.
We Serve You.
Staying in the Know
School districts across the U.S. are renovating their buildings and upgrading dilapidated ventilation systems with the help of $190 billion of federal COVID relief.
The 2021 State of Our Schools Report from the 21st Century School Fund, the International WELL Building Institute and the National Council on School Facilities is a great example of how data driven analyses and results are found. We support and encourage our clients to understand what’s happening in the K12 industry and how to band together to fight for support.
We were honored to participate with Annie and Anisa throughout their journey to develop such a great and sobering report from the US Center for Green Schools. Too many school buildings cannot accommodate the strategies and equipment needed to improve air quality. Simply sticking to the basics is a far-reach from reality with many school district’s across our country.
Ventilation rates in classrooms often fall far short of the minimum ventilation rates specified in standards. There is compelling evidence, from both cross-sectional and intervention studies, of an association of increased student performance with increased ventilation rates. There is evidence that reduced respiratory health effects and reduced student absence are associated with increased ventilation rates.